
Shelley Lubben Testimony

Shelley Lubben, a former porn star and prostitute, shares her testimony on the 700 Club. She talks about how she loved Jesus as a little girl, but after she was sexually violated at the age of 9 it messed with her and she started to struggle with acting out sexually. She got involved with drugs and eventually started to get involved in prostitution and pornography. She always had the feeling deep down inside that what she was doing was wrong, but she continued in it because she felt like no one really cared for her and she was good at it anyway, attracted to the attention and the money. She had faith in God, but didn't trust in Him. She was angry with God. She went through a rollercoaster of a life, with God always trying to reach out to her, but it wasn't until she got into a freak car accident that things started to really change for her. Soon after she met the man who would become her husband, who at the time was a drug addict. They spoke to each other about their childhood faith and love for God and eventually turned back their lives to Jesus, together. God helped her to forgive and to learn how to put the past behind her for good. Now she shares her faith in God and her testimony to the world. God is faithful. Her website can be found at: http://www.shelleylubben.com/ There are many videos on her website of her sharing her testimony and her efforts to get the truth out. She has written a book about her life in the porn industry called "Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn," which basically gives a first-hand account of how bad it really is. She even has a rap album out.


michael moussa said...

thank you my jesus

hema said...

this is marvil thank you juses and hope happy life with juses