
Some Interesting Tidbits On Abortion

These are some interesting and disturbing facts that I have come across recently concerning abortion:

1) The number one form of birth control for black America is: abortion.

2) Planned Parenthood is America's largest provider for abortions. It's original name: The Solution To The Negro Problem.

3) According to Planned Parenthood, almost half of all American women have an abortion at some point during their fertile years.

4) According to Planned Parenthood, a major reason why many women want to have an abortion is because "they really want to be the best parent they can be." ????????????. Also, if the reason why so many women get abortions is so that they can be the best parent they can be then why is it that we have so many bad parents and so many messed up kids these days?

5) I also noticed that on Planned Parenthood's website they never ever mention the baby when speaking about abortion. They only use the word "pregnancy" and they use it very cautiously and slowly, as if they are trying to be very careful with the terminology they use. One spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood described the procedure of abortion as "a straw being inserted into the cervix and the straw is used with some vacuum-type of pressure to remove both the lining of the uterus...and then inside that lining is...(slowly and almost choking to say it) 'the pregnancy.'" Um, what? What are you sucking out with the straw? Oh yeah, the baby...or "the pregnancy."

6) Most people say they are not in favor of abortion, yet they support "a woman's right to choose." ??????. Also, I guess the baby doesn't have a say in the matter. ?????

7) Some people say they only support abortion if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, yet most abortions performed are not due to those factors. ??????

8) Apparently the law of the land doesn't consider a person to be a human being until they are birthed. This is why if a baby is birthed it is illegal to kill it. However, so long as it's still in the womb it is, legally, not a human being and can therefore be killed...or "terminated."

The truth is that no matter what your reasons for abortion or supporting abortion, it doesn't change the fact that a "fetus" or a "pregnancy" is still a human being. It doesn't become a human being once it's born. It is a human being from the moment of conception, not unless you got an alien in there, but the last time I checked this is reality and that most likely isn't the case. Almost anyone if they saw a baby in danger of its life, they would rescue to save it. But, sadly, just because the baby is so tiny and because it's in the mother's womb, many people do not consider it at all and they don't even want to classify it as a human being. What kind of sicko would look at a baby being abused, beaten or killed in some way and just sit there and not do or say anything about it? Since abortion has been made legal, society has been conditioned to accept abortion as a normal part of life and an acceptable procedure. Using certain, careful terminology such as "fetus" makes it seem like the baby isn't even a baby, but just a "thing" that needs to be "aborted" or "terminated" if that person feels like it needs to be done. The truth is that fetus (Latin for offspring, bringing forth, hatching of young) is a real human baby and he/she is alive and you are killing it. Doesn't that mean anything to you?

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